Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Moving Day Tips: How to Pack for a Move:

Clear things out. If you haven't used it, get rid of it by creating a "charity" and a "recycle" box to help in sorting.
Always prepare a "load-last" carton that contains items you want access to right away, like a coffeepot, filter and coffee grounds; paper plates, cups, and napkins; paper towels, telephone, flashlight, basic tools and anything else you may not want to hunt for on moving day. Place difficult-to-locate items such as hardware and the remote control in a plastic sandwich bag. Add a label and put it in your "load-last" carton.
Get the children involved. Have them decorate signs with their names on them to hang outside their bedrooms at the new house. Not only does it help get them involved in the moving process, it will also help movers identify where the boxes should be placed.
Be sure to clearly label each box on both the top and sides, clearly indicating the contents and the room in which it belongs. Use a dark-colored marking pen that is easy to read.
Protect your mattresses and furniture by covering them with old sheets. Fitted sheets work especially well.
Place a clean set of sheets and bedding in a dresser drawer in each bedroom. That way, when your furniture arrives at your new home, you can get fresh bedding without having to find the carton in which it was packed.
Wrap breakables in colored wrapping paper or tissue paper before you place them in the moving box. The brightly colored paper will draw attention to the item and prevent them from being accidentally thrown out with the packing paper.
Use blankets, pillows, towels and other linens to fill empty space in boxes when packing fragile items.
Prune houseplants about two weeks before the move. You may want to consult a florist or plant book for instructions. One week before the move, place them in a black plastic bag along with bug/pest strips, conventional flea collars or bug powder. Close the bag and place in cool area overnight to kill any pests on the plant or in soil. The day before the move, place plants in cardboard containers. Hold them in place with dampened newspaper or packing paper. Use paper to cushion leaves, and place a final layer of wet paper on top to keep them moist. Punch air holes in the top before loading into your car or moving truck.
If you are moving out of state you'll want to check with the local U.S. Department of Agriculture for regulations regarding moving plants from one state to another.

Sunday, November 26, 2017


Millennials and Gen Xers, currently the two largest generations of homebuyers, are less interested in accumulating stuff – and storing it “just in case”— than their Baby Boomer counterparts. Today’s homebuyers hate clutter. They want their things accessible but out of sight in efficient storage spaces – not six boxes deep and difficult to find in a dark attic.
survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders found that storage space was one of the top two main themes on new homebuyers’ wish lists – but they aren’t asking for more sheds and larger attics. When it comes to keeping clutter at bay, homebuyers want storage spaces that provide an organized, accessible place for everything.
Here are some of the top storage features that today’s buyers are looking for in a home.
  1. Mudroom -For families with children and pets, one of the biggest collections of clutter and disorganization tends to begin right at the front door. This is where backpacks, shoes, coats, sports equipment, and muddy boots accumulate. A mudroom is a preemptive solution to all of that clutter – it provides transitional space between the outdoors and the inside of a home, as well as a place to store these items out of sight.
  2. Walk-in pantry-Home cooking is increasingly popular among the largest generations of homebuyers. A survey conducted by Peapod and ORC International found that 72 percent cooked at home at least four nights a week last year, and over 1/3 plan to cook more often this year. It makes sense that homebuyers are concerned with having a place to store their supplies. A walk-in pantry is a convenient way to stash everything from small appliances to staple ingredients, cleaning supplies, and recycling bins.
  3. Closet space-The difference between a cluttered home and a tidy home often comes down to the closets. When houses lack closet space, guest rooms can quickly become dumping grounds for items that have no designated place but don’t belong behind the holiday decorations in a shed or the deepest recesses of the attic. Homebuyers want closet space – especially closets that are located in places that make sense, such as linen closets in bathrooms, walk-in closets in the master bedroom, and a hallway closet near the front door.
  4. Garage storage-The NAHB survey found that garage storage was among homebuyers’ most desired features. Eighty-six percent of homebuyers listed it as highly desirable, while nearly a third considered it a must-have item. Some homebuyers are even looking for three-car garages – not to store a third vehicle, but for additional storage space. The appeal of garage space over outdoor storage, such as sheds and outbuildings, is that garages are easier to access. Garage storage that is accessible and organized is most useful; shelving, cabinets, and closets make storing and finding things simple.
  5. Laundry room-An overwhelming majority (92 percent) of surveyed homebuyers across all age groups said that a laundry room was a high-priority home feature. A laundry room is the most efficient place to store clean and dirty laundry, an ironing station, and items that need to be line-dried or dry-cleaned. A separate space for laundry – and all things related – keeps it out of peoples’ living spaces.
Phil Karp is a 25-year real estate industry veteran and head of Brokerage Services at, where you can buy or sell a home while saving money in the process. Phil loves offering homeowners advice to showcase the best features in their home, including storage. He lives in the Greater Atlanta area where he chases his passion for auto racing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Gentle Giant to Host “Green Moving Month” in November:

This November, Gentle Giant will be hosting a Green Moving Month to reduce environmental impact and save our customers money. Throughout the month, we will only be using and selling used moving boxes. Customers who would like to opt out may let their move consultant know, and new boxes will be provided instead.
Since our moving boxes are “built tough” and designed to withstand impact, our used boxes are of superb quality; we would not want to offer our customers anything less! Additionally, used boxes costs between 45 and 65 percent less than new boxes, which means the planet and your wallet will benefit from Green Moving Month.
Green Moving Month
Used Moving Boxes Help the Environment
If every customer were to participate in this program, we have the potential to reuse over 12,000 pounds of cardboard. This would save over 43,000 gallons of water, 20.5 cubic yards or landfill space, 6.2 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere and 105 mature trees.
When provided with used boxes, customers may notice writing or tape marks from a previous use. To prevent any confusion, we recommend crossing out any old labels and using a new color of marker to write new labels. Gentle Giant offers room label packs, which are $5 for a full house packet and $3 for a half packet.
For any questions about our Green Moving Month, please call us at 800-442-6863 and ask to speak with the Top Box department. We look forward to saving our customers money and doing good for the planet!

Monday, November 20, 2017


Packing up all your possessions prior to a home move is often a lengthy process and a logistical nightmare (especially if you have young children!). But do not fear, if you have allowed plenty of time to pack, it doesn’t have to be such a tedious job. Here are some of our best tips for packing that’ll help you get through it:


If they’ve been through a move before, they’ll know how stressful it can be so should be willing to help you pack, even if it is just menial tasks like sorting through your clothes. Warning: silly friends and bubble wrap may not be the best idea!


You may take a few days to properly unpack, so in the meantime you’re going to need essentials like mugs, plates, snacks and loo roll. Put all of these into one box and label it so you’ve got it at hand for when you move in.


It’s easy to overpack boxes – trying to stuff as much as possible into one box as you can. This not only makes it difficult for you/movers to pick up and move the boxes, but smaller, less stuffed ones can become crushed in the process.
4. COLOUR CODINGSimply coding different boxes corresponding to their individual rooms using coloured pens/tabs is simple but very effective when you are loading boxes onto vans and also for movers when they’re unpacking.


It’s useful to label the top, but also all sides of boxes too with short abbreviations, as you don’t know how the boxes will be stacked in the van and when they’re unloaded so this will save time and confusion.


Black bin liners might be good for dumping clothes in too, but make sure that your bags for rubbish aren’t the same as bags you’re using for things to keep. You don’t want to accidentally dump all your best coats into landfill!


If you leave plenty of time to pack, you’ll be able to take regular breaks which can be essential to keep your sanity!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Moving Day Checklist:

Keep a cool head with this list that does the thinking for you

To keep moving bedlam at a minimum, we’ve created this to-do list. Print out this page, and check off the tasks, item by item. Many of the items can be done ahead, so do yourself a favor and get organized the day before. Come moving day, you’ll be ready to supervise the whole affair, without worry or distraction.

Task One: Clearly Mark and Set Aside Items You Don’t Want Loaded

This will remind you to tell the driver what not to load as you conduct your preload walkthrough. Make sure your important paperwork pertaining to the move doesn’t get packed and shipped with your household goods.

Task Two: Pack Special Items for the Kids

Have the kids pack a box of their “special” items, things that they’ll want to have nearby as soon as you all arrive at your new home. Point this box out to the driver so it’s one of the first to be unloaded.
Note: You may want to arrange for someone to take care of the kids (and pets) while the movers are packing and loading your items. Have the caregiver bring the kids back home prior to the truck leaving as it important for young children to understand where their belongings are going.

Task Three: Get Rid of Trash and Flammable Items

Eliminate as much trash as you can before moving day. Last-minute garbage will inevitably build up the day prior to and the day of loading. Try making a deal with a neighbor to use their trash container for your last-minute debris.
Many items that are considered flammable are not going to be loaded by the driver and crew. Understand what these items are so that you are not stuck with trying to get rid of them on day of loading. If you are uncertain what items can’t be loaded, ask your estimator for a list. Because movers can’t transport most household cleaners, they will be available for you to use throughout the day. Also remember to remove items from inaccessible areas like crawl spaces or attics.

Task Four: Reserve a Parking Space for the Moving Truck

If you live in a congested area, recruit some friends and park all of your vehicles one after another in a space close to your home and do not move them until the truck arrives. The closer the truck can get to your house, the better your chances are of not incurring an additional charge.

Task Five: Clear Walkways

Make it safe and easy for your movers to get in and out of your house by removing all obstructions.
  • Move potted plants and planters from front porch, walkways and driveways.
  • Remove all door and floor mats.
  • Remove all rugs. The crew will protect the floors with a specially designed floor covering that does not slip.
  • Remove low hanging items such as wind chimes or hanging plants.
  • Disconnect the spring on the screen door so that it stays open during the loading process.
  • If you had the moving company pack for you, work with them to keep walkways clear for the driver and crew.

Task Six: Point Out Special Items

Set these items aside the day before the move. Then, once the mover arrives, point out items that are most special to you during the walkthrough. All your items will be handled professionally but take a moment to show them which ones need the most special care. Also, point out the boxes you would like to have unloaded first, if they are not going into storage. These boxes may include kitchen and bathroom items, or your children’s toys.

Task Seven: Take Care of Your Driver and Crew Members

Consider the needs of your driver and crew members! It is not necessary to prepare an elaborate meal, as this is the last thing you will have time for. Still, run out and get some breakfast rolls or cookies and order pizza for lunch. It is a nice gesture and will be warmly received.
  • Keep water and pop on hand for yourself and the crew. On hot summer days, provide Gatorade or some type of sports drink. These men and women work hard, handling your most important possessions. A cool drink can really help.
  • Advise the driver and crew where to locate the drinks and food so that they do not have to ask each time.
  • Advise the driver and crew which restroom you want them to use.

Task Eight: Decide on Tipping

Should you? It is completely up to you. Many individuals do tip the driver and let him disperse the portion to the crew that they think is appropriate. You decide!

Task Nine: Before the Driver Leaves…

Make sure you understand all the paperwork before the driver departs for your new home. If there is something that is confusing to you, ask your driver to explain it before you sign it.
Provide the driver with your destination contact information. Take down any information the driver can provide such as his cell phone, pager and satellite tracking information. Ask the driver if your shipment is the last he/she will be loading. Find out when the last shipment goes onto the trailer. This will give you an indication as to when they will be departing for your new home. Ask the driver about his/her plans for delivering your items. Find out as many details as you can prior to the driver leaving your residence.
If the driver attempts to give you a delivery date and time, keep in mind that it is really only an estimate at the time of loading. Many factors can change the schedule for the driver, so try to remain flexible. Ask the driver to call you with changes so that you can adjust your plans accordingly. If you have a delivery spread (a sequence of two or more days that your shipment can be delivered on and still be considered on time) understand that you can and may be delivered on any one of those days.
Take one last sweep of the house before the driver leaves. Look through all closets, shelves, in the garage, attic, crawl space, storage unit, under the stairs, on the walls and any place else things may be hiding. You do not want to find out, after the driver has left, that something was left behind.